HAHAHAHAH SO FUNNY! I like the beginning when they're screaming with the tweened mouth hahaha
HAHAHAHAH SO FUNNY! I like the beginning when they're screaming with the tweened mouth hahaha
finish syruplord the movie noob!
Very good graphics, cool song, good sounds, good animation, good characters, good effects, good loader, good colors, good story, good names, good job!
Good review!
Hmm...*thinks for hours*...I don't get it...
I don't really get it, but is this a movie specially for Livecorpse, or does it have further meaning. I still don't get it. Maybe the point of the story is not to be abusive, since that guy was being mean in his review. I enjoyed the flash, but the animation quality isn't top notch, so I give it an 8 (4).
Thanks! The flash doesnt have to be that complicated really. If u get something positive out of it or u started to think about the things u saw, then thats more than i could ever ask for :)
Make stuff move!
Joined on 8/14/04